Southwest Washington Dairy Goat Association
Bringing Dairy Goat Breeders Together Since 1926
SWWDGA Meeting Minutes:
Oct. 26, 2019
Welcome @ 1:20
In Attendance: Ann Moelhman, Jody Ashton, Pat Hendrickson, Tricia Ermert, Sheryl Horst, Julie Pirtle, Mark Emerich
President Report
Meeting Changes...Jody motioned to approve, Pat seconded it (PASSED)
Quarterly Membership meetings
Monthly Officers/Directors meetings (electronic or in person)
Secretary Report
last meeting was September 28, 2019
Treasurer’s report...working on itemizing
Open Class Show
Final cost of show
Old Business
Need new Show Chairman
May 16, 2020 needs to be reserved at Southwest WA Fairgrounds
Mark Baden working to get judges
Mark shared with Ann that he had found a couple of judges
2nd Annual Goat Educational Day
January 25, 2020
Location: Centralia College
Mark Baden has agreed to speak
? 2nd speaker on Goat Nutrition
Cost of meal needs to be decreased over last year
Subway, Costco...
Sponsor DHIA meeting in January?
Jody Ashton offered to host this
Date to come later
How to attract members to meetings?
Hopefully meeting quarterly will help
New Business
Request for Sponsorship for 2019 Annual Convention in Boise
WE decided not to donate
Request from the Secretary of State for Annual Report
Jody will take care of this
Education at meetings
Way to “retain” new memberships
Quarterly meetings to come
Need old members to assist with topics presented at meetings
Wine and Cheese gathering
News from “MY Farm”
Round table discussion about what is going on at member’s farms
Mark...had a successful fall breeding
Pat...still unpacking from her new house move
Tricia...she has been contacted for buck use
Jody...not sure she will have goats bred this season
Ann...no more goats at her house :(
Julie and Sheryl...goat poor! They now have fleece goats
Next Member Quarterly Meeting:
December 7, 2019…DHIA Training/Meeting
Location: Jody Ashton’s House
18218 Tamara Ln, Rochester, WA
January 25, 2020…2nd Annual Goal Education Class
Location: Centralia College
April 4, 2020…General Meeting
May 2020...Doe Show
October 3, 2020...General Meeting
Sept 28, 2019
Welcome @ 1:38
In Attendance: Ann Moelhman, Bill Moomau, Jody Ashton
Secretary Report
last meeting was in April
Treasurer’s report...information to come
Open Class Show
Final cost of show
Profit / Lost
National ADGA Show
Hospitality Booth
Old Business
Need new Show Chairman
May 16th is reserved show date at Southwest WA Fairgrounds
Mark Baden working to get judges
Why would the show make money in 2020?
2nd Annual Goat Educational Day
January 25, 2020
Same Location
Mark Baden has agreed to speak on Judging Goats
? 2nd speaker on Goat Nutrition
Cost of meal needs to be decreased over last year
Subway, Costco...
Sponsor DHIA meeting in January?
Jody Ashton offered to host this
Date to come later
How to attract members to meetings?
New Business
Request for Sponsorship for 2019 Annual Convention in Boise
Request for $250 from the club
Request from the Secretary of State for Annual Report
Jody will take care of this
Education at meetings
Way to “retain” new memberships
Need old members to assist with topics presented at meetings
Wine and Cheese gathering
News from “MY Farm”
Round table discussion about what is going on at member’s farms
Animals for sale, awards, additions to member’s farm
Next Meeting: October 26th at 1:00 at Moe’s House
SWWDGA Meeting
April 13, 2019
Call to Order:
Jody called the meeting order at 11:15, meeting closed at 12:26
Introductions/attendance: Adam & Hailey Pruitt, Mark Emrich, Moe Moelhman, Rodney & Boo Chapman, Jeannine & Sean Kelley, Jody Ashton
Secretary Minutes from March
Moe gave the minutes
Still waiting on a bill from the workshop
Medication and Nutrition is the goal for next year’s workshop
Treasurer Report…we are tabling the report until next meeting.
Old Business
Education Grant
We came out on the positive with money from the grant for the workshop
Planning for 2020
Medication and Nutrition is the goal for next year’s workshop
New Business
Discussed a sale page/website option for members
Committee Reports
Tamara Hayes the fairgrounds director says we have to “remove” EVERYTHING,
Panels: We have requested to have as many panels as they have
Parking/use of buildings:
Venders: we can have people vend but can NOT have people sell food
Jeannine is getting the information from Pat about the information
Diane Heaney
Daniel Considine
David Funk
Secretaries: 6 positions
2 positions still need filled
Ring Stewards: 3 positions
2 positions still need filled
Breed Sponsors: 19 total
9 sponsors needed
Best in Show Awards needed too
Showmanship: youth event
Moe is in charge and Rodney is promoting
Show Photo Booth
Area set up
$5 per photo…cash or card
Raffle/silent auction
Bring your new or gently used items for the raffle/silent auction
Sale Board
A sale board will be at the Show
Bring your ‘for sale’ and ‘searching for’ information to post on the board
Website for Entries
Jody is planning to figure this out by next year’s show
National Show
Money Pledge…$500
Pat will write the check and send it in
Local Fair sponsorship
Moe will contact Dawn Lantz at Thurston Co Fair and someone one at SWWFair
Mark Emrich:
had a woman contact him regarding her buck being sold illegally. If you know any information please contact Mark
To Sponsor or for Show information please contact: Jeannine- Jeannine.kelley@ymail.com
SWWDGA December 15, 2018
Meeting minutes @ Shaggy Aggy’s
Call to Order: Ann Moelhman called the start of the meeting 11:30am
Attendance: Jody Ashton, Jeannine and Sean Kelley, Ann Moelhman, Pat Henrickson, Caprice Smith, Marsha Hickman, Tricia Ermert, Mark Baden, Dorothy Wright
Reading of the Minutes:
Read by Jody, Pat moved to approve and Jeannine second
Treasurer’s Report:
Savings: $3111.44
Checking: $4287.64
Outstanding/new Bills:
Bill for Jessica for hosting the Website domain name
$117.08 paid
New Business:
Winter Education Seminar: January 26th at Centralia College
Workshop and Catered lunch
Goat Structure, ADGA Genetics presenters
Mark Baden
Dixie Lee Davis
We received a grant for $2000 from the Washington State Livestock Coalition
Judges for the May Show
Dan Considine
David Funk
Diane Heaney
Website information:
Marsha has volunteered her time to transferred information to Wix
Pat will contact with Jessica on transferring the domain name to Wix by the end of December
Discussion about adding a “marketplace” on the website or Facebook for paying members
Voting on current positions:
President: Moe Mohlmann, Pat moved to pass a unanimous ballet, approved
Vice President: Caprice Smith has stepped down, Jeannine Kelley has volunteered, Moe nominated Jeannine, Pay seconded
Secretary: Jody Ashton volunteered to stay on, Mark moved to keep Jody, unanimous vote
Treasurer: Pat Hendrickson has volunteered to stay on for one more year, Caprice has volunteered to assist Pat, Moe moved a vote
Director #2 Jody moved to add Mark Baden to the position, unanimous vote
By-laws and Constitution Change
Tricia moved to approve the change, Pat seconded it
Jody will make the changes and email them out to members
Proposed additional language is highlighted:
Article V: Officers and their duties
Section 1: Elected officers shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and three Directors
Section 2: The regular elected officers shall comprise of the Executive Board.
Officers will serve a one year term (with a limit of four consecutive years.)
Directors serve a three year term and are voted in consecutive years.
Moe was contacted about sponsoring the National Show held in Oregon in July 2019
All of the Northwest Clubs have been asked to sponsor
$1,000 is the suggested sponsorship
Moe will send out an email for Members to vote on it
We need to consider donating $150 to go towards youth dairy goat classes at the local fairs
Moe will send out an email for Members to vote on it
Handbook for the show: Moe will contact Russ regarding this idea
Russ sent Moe and Pat a copy of his Dog Show handbook
Discuss having a basic goat care clinic/showmanship for our April Meeting
Moe is working on getting a venue and clinic presenters
Discuss paying for a stall at the local fairs to display our club info…still in the works
Jody and Mark will create fair displays
A fair list and sign up sheet will be ready in the spring
Jeannine will create a banner design so we can get a banner made for the shows
Show information: Pat is working with Jeannine on the Show…Thank you Jeannine
Exhibitor Fee on the Show entry form: being removed from the form
Stall cleaning fee: we will add one dollar per entry to cover fair clean up expenses
Can we re-assign pens if people don’t show up at a certain time?
Add to Show info: If you are a ‘same day’ entry you may not get a stall?
Correspondence and bills:
Moe needs a check for paper towels for the renting of Shaggy Aggy’s
Next meetings:
January 5th DHIA class at Tumwater Timberland Library
January 26th Education Workshop at Centralia College
February Member Meeting: Possible Vet Visit
Saturday, February 16th at 11:00-1:00
Shaggy Aggy’s 6315 183rd SW Rochester, WA 98579
April Member Meeting: Showmanship
Saturday, April 13th @ 11:00-1:00
Pat moved to Adjourn the meeting at 12:50 pm, Dorothy second it
September Meeting 2018
SWWDGA Meeting Agenda
September 15, 2018
Call to Order: Mark Emrich called the start of the meeting 11:25am
Attendance: Jody Ashton, Jeannine Kelley, Mark Emrich, Ann Moelhman, Pat Henrickson
Reading of the Minutes:
* Read by Jody, Mark moved to approve and Moe second
Treasurer's report
* Savings: $3111.44
* Checking: $4287.64
* Show Expenses:
Reports of special committees:
* Show Report (Pat):
Unfinished Business:
* Handbook for the show: Moe will contact Russ regarding this idea
New Business:
* Secretary of State Annual Report Due...Jody will take care of this
* Attraction to the Club??? Speakers...
* Show Sponsors need to turn in their prize early
* Can we work together with the NW Oregon Conference?
** Mark will contact the Secretary of that Conference
* Discuss having a basic goat care clinic in April
** Moe will work on getting a venue and clinic presenters
* Discuss paying for a stall at the local fairs to display our club info
** Jody and Mark will create fair displays
** A fair list and sign up sheet will be ready in the spring
* Discussion about changing/adding information about setting term limits on the officer positions
** Next time we have a meeting with a quorum we will vote on it
* A copy of the By-laws and Constitution needs to be posted on our website
* Advertising on the AI Clinic
** People shouldn’t be advertising on the Club website without some type of donation to the Club.
We are a non-profit organization and we should be mindful of this.
* Show information: Pat will do the Show one more year. She needs to train someone!
** Exhibitor Fee on the Show entry form: being removed from the form
** Stall cleaning fee: we will add one dollar per entry to cover fair clean up expenses
** Can we re-assign pens if people don’t show up at a certain time?
** Add to Show info: If you are a ‘same day’ entry you may not get a stall?
Correspondence and Bills:
* Pat needs the receipt from the lunches at the Show
* A 'thank you' note is being sent to Mary Chilton for her donations to the Show Raffle
Next Month's Meeting:
* October 27th (Saturday) from 1:00 to 3:00 at the Chehalis Timberland Library
* Jody moved to Adjourn the meeting at 1:05pm, Mark second it
February Meeting 2018
SWWDGA Meeting Agenda
February 10, 2018 11:00 @ Jody Ashton's place
In attendance: Jody Ashton, Jeannine Kelley, Marsha Hickman, Mark Emrich, Caprice Smith, Tricia Ermert
a) Call to order by President, roll call of Officers, reading of minutes
* Call to order 11:00 by Caprice
* Read the minutes: Jody motioned to approve the minutes, Mark E. seconded
b) Treasurer's report
Checking: $1939.67
Savings: $2830.74
Petty Cash: $5.14
Total: $4775.55
c) Reports of Officers and standing committee
* Show Committee: May 19th
** Jody will contact FFA Chapters for youth to come be extra hands for show day
** Mark E: Questions...
*** Do we have a Show book?
*** When are contacts made?
*** Are there other venues we could look into using?
d) Reports of special committees
* Show Raffle and Auction:
** If you have items for the Raffle and Silent Auction contact Jody or Jeannine
** We have letters for local businesses...contact Jody if you need one for your favorite local business
* Collaboration with other Washington/Oregon Goat Clubs
** Caprice reached out to them and nobody got back with her
* "Come to the Farm" Caprice is making an account for this site
** Not going to use this option
e) Unfinished business
* Outreach/Education: What and When?
* Insurance details for meetings?
* County Fairs are not being sanctioned: No Reports Available
** Pat H
** Kris H
** Moe M
f) Correspondence and bills
* Caprice is sending out a card for a fellow member.
g) New business, including new assignments, programs and/or speakers
h) Discussion or reports of interest
i) Adjournment
* 12:04 pm Caprice motioned, Mark seconded
j) Social hour
Upcoming Meetings:
* March 10th: Pre-Show Meeting at 1:00 pm
** Location:
Bernita Narvaez house
22515 190th St East Orting, WA 98360
January Meeting 2018
SWWDGA Meeting Agenda
January 13, 2018 12:00 @ Rochester Middle School
In attendance: Pat Hendrickson, Jody Ashton, Jeannine Kelley, Marsha Hickman, Kristina Hafey, Mark Baden, John Rhondes, Rachael Heinrich, Nancy LaMott, Pam Gailey-Iselin, Becky and Mark Emrich, Russ Robinson, Ann Moelhman, Caprice Smith, Bill Moomau
a) Call to order by President, roll call of Officers, reading of minutes
* Call to order 12:00 by Moe
* Read the minutes: Moe motioned to approve the minutes, Mark E. seconded
b) Treasurer's report
Checking: $1815.00
Savings: $2830.74
Petty Cash: $5.14
Total: $4650.88
Mark E. motioned to approve treasurer's report, Moe seconded
c) Reports of Officers and standing committee
* Show Committee:
** Kathy Pandell: 3rd judge
** All the Show Sponsors have been covered
** Mark B asked to change the time and to adjust ring size to accommodate goats in milk and save time for judges
** We need to add a comment in the Show Rules about judges comments after a certain number of goats in each show
** Bill M brought in some older trophies for us to use for the show
** We need to make sure we have people to set up pens again
** We need to charge more than $5 for the pen clean-up for those people who use straw and don't clean it up
d) Reports of special committees
* Show Raffle and Auction:
** If you have items for the Raffle and Silent Auction contact Jody or Jeannine
** Nancy LaMott is donating a doeling for the Silent Auction
* Collaboration with Northwest Washington Dairy Goat Clubs
** Caprice is looking into the idea of sponsoring something for their show
* "Come to the Farm" Caprice is making an account for this site
e) Unfinished business
f) Correspondence and bills
g) New business, including new assignments, programs and/or speakers
* County Fairs are not being sanctioned: Moe asked what we can do to help
** Could we match the judges fee? $150 towards judges fee
** Moe will contact Thurston County Fair about attending one of their meetings to get info (Moe and Kris H will attend a meeting)
** Pat will contact Julie Pirtle from SWW Fair about sanctioning details
h) Discussion or reports of interest
i) Adjournment
* 1:26pm Becky motioned, Nancy seconded
j) Social hour
Upcoming Meetings: Times and Location TBD
* February 10th: General Meeting (Jody Ashton's place)
* March 10th: Pre-Show Meeting ( Moe is looking into a location)