Southwest Washington Dairy Goat Association
Bringing Dairy Goat Breeders Together Since 1926
September 8, 2024
ADGA Senior Doe& Junior Doe Shows
ADGA Judge
Aaron Carter, Lakeport, California (LakeShore Nubians, Heart Mountain Lamanchas, Lil Miss B Haven Nigerians)
Location: Washington State Fairgrounds
110 9th Ave SW
Puyallup, WA 98371
1. This show is sanctioned by the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA). ADGA rules shall govern.
2. All does must also be entered in the Washington State Fair Open Class dairy goat show to be
exhibited in the SWWDGA sponsored Exhibitor Show.
3. The Senior Doe and Junior Doe shows are separately sanctioned.
4. Base date for class entry calculation is September 8, 2024.
5. The original registration certificate or Stamped Duplicates issued March 1, 2021 – present ARE
ALLOWED to be used in accordance with ADGA Board passed policy for 2023.
6. Entry into Champion Challenge class can utilize the member reported show wins Jot Form
certificate: https://form.jotform.com/230826235552050
7. No uncertified dogs allowed inside the Livestock Barns or show ring area.
8. This show is part of the Washington State Goat Breeders Association's (WSGBA) annual events.
9. SWWDGA, ADGA, the Washington State Fair and WSGBA will not be held liable or responsible for
any damage, loss, injury or illness to persons, animals, or property in connection with this show.
10. Any exhibitor behaving in an ill-mannered way toward their animals, other exhibitors, judges, or the
show committee will be asked to leave.
11. Concessions (including warm scones!) are available on-site.
12. No pre-show milk-out. Exhibitors are reminded to monitor their does’ udder health and relieve
them appropriately throughout the show day.
13. Substitutions are allowed within the same breed only. No refunds of entry fees.
14. Milk must be disposed of in designated areas. No dumping of milk down any drains inside the Barns.
15. Arrival times are Wednesday 9/04/2024 @ 6-8pm or Thursday 9/05/2024 at 6-9am.
16. Release time is 6pm Monday 9/9/2024 Exhibitors driving longer distances will be given earlier
departure times at the fair’s discretion.
ONLINE ENTRIES ONLY: We encourage you to use the online/cellphone option to expedite check-in to edit
your own entries & make your own substitutions. Online entries will close at 5:00pm PST on Saturday
September 7th, 2024. Please visit https://www.showman.app for online entries and show information.
ENTRY FEES: $5.00 Herd Fee for each herd unit. $8.50 entry fee per doe. Entry fees must be received before
entries will be posted or pens assigned. NSF or returned credit card payments will be charged an additional
$30.00 and showing privileges will be suspended until fees are current. All fees must be made online when
entries are made.
Pens are FREE with shavings included (NOT kiln dried) and straw. Manure dumpsters are available on-site for your use. Please ​complete all pen cleaning & aisle cleaning prior to general admission gate opening of the fair each day.
Registration papers must be checked prior to the show. Stamped Duplicates are allowed in accordance with ADGA
2024 policies. Check-in will close at 8:00AM on Sunday 9/8/2024. Please check-in early to avoid waiting in-line on
Sunday morning.
All animals will be inspected by a Washington State Fair hired veterinarian at haul-in PRIOR to penning in the barn. Vet check will be in the Loading Arena. All out of state exhibitors are required to produce a CVI at the time of vet check.
NO this is NOT an option at the Washington State Fair.
There will be no raffle at the Washington State Fair show.
Parking in designated areas only. Parking passes will be provided at vet-check and parking for exhibitors is FREE. Overnight camping on the grounds IS ALLOWED for a fee. Contact: RV Camping - General Info (thefair.com) to make offsite, camping reservations. See facility map.
There are several motels/hotels in the area. Options include: Holiday Inn Express (1-877-859-5095),
Hampton Inn (253-770-8880), Best Western Premier Plaza (253-848-1500),
Motel Puyallup (253-845-8825), Fairfield Inn & Suites (1-844-631-0595).